Catholic Identity
All are welcome in a Catholic school, regardless of race, religion, political beliefs or personal history. We educate because we are Catholic and strive to be a welcoming community for all people.

Religious Education
Religious education at St. Rita Catholic School begins as soon as a student enters our school. In every grade, including Pre-K, we teach our children religious principles and those teachings expand and advance as the students mature. Whether it’s learning about prayer, preparing for the Sacraments, or having a special classroom visit from our pastor; we strive to incorporate religious teachings throughout our curriculum.
From kindergarten through eighth grade, students participate in religion class four days a week, which covers the teachings of the church as well as Christian behaviors and attitudes. Every day begins and ends with a school-wide prayer. Children begin learning The Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary, and Blessing before Meals in kindergarten.

Virtue Based Restorative Discipline
Virtue-Based Restorative Discipline (VBRD) is a program developed in the Archdiocese of Saint Louis by the Director of School Climate, Lynne Lang. St. Rita School is currently the only school in the Archdiocese of Louisville to participate in the VBRD initiative. Derived from restorative justice practices, Virtue-Based Restorative Discipline has several premises that guide its approach:
- People make mistakes and need an opportunity to make up for the harm done and return to full acceptance in a community.
- Everyone in a restorative system must commit to being positive, which means dwelling on the positive rather than the negative.
- Virtue is the positive aspect of harm and needs to be taught and developed.
- Prayer must be a part of discipline in a Catholic environment.

Sacramental Preparation
At St. Rita Catholic School, preparing children for the Sacraments of Eucharist, Confirmation, and Reconciliation involves a partnership among families, parishioners, catechists, and staff. As primary teachers and models of the Christian faith, parents are called on most notably in the sacramental preparation of their children. To support you in this experience, we encourage parents to participate in informational meetings and retreats that present a theological basis for the Sacraments of Confirmation, Reconciliation, and Eucharist. Any baptized child attending St. Rita Catholic School has the opportunity to prepare for these sacraments.